Wednesday, 8 April 2015

Guadalajara day 2

This was one of the most incredible days ever! We went to the Abastos market to do some shopping for Nestor's bar. We also had breakfast here, Menudo (intestine and meat stew, similar to callos) and quesadillas. This market was incredible, truck loads of all sorts of fruits and vegetables and other miscellaneous madness! After dropping the goodness at Agüita we headed to another market called San Juan de Dios, the largest indoor market in Latin America. You could buy absolutely everything you could imagine here, anything from witchcraft to horse legs. Bonkers and beautiful.

Then at night we headed to LAS LUCHAS possibly the funniest event ever - Mexican wrestling. We saw the legendary Mistico.

Limes are eaten with everything, and I really mean EVERYTHING.
Nestor in action.
AGÜITA and the legend of Mescal.
San Juan de Dios market.
The funniest madness ever, think the ultimate campness of Eurovision mixed with the hooligan chanting of English footie.... with lots of snacks!

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