Friday, 17 April 2015

Isla Bastimentos, Bocas del Toro

We left sunny Boquete for rainy Isla Bastimentos. A small island in the Caribbean archipelago Bocas del Toro. The only form of transport around the island was boats. No bikes, mopeds or cars. The main road was a metre wide cement pathway, always full of playing children and dogs. The islands inhabitants are a few hundred Afro-Antilleans that speak a patois of Spanish, English and Guayamí, it was so nice and fun to listen to albeit tricky to understand. The island was incredibly charming but as we had rain and thunderstorms we couldn't get to what is meant to be one of the most beautiful beaches in the world.
 Downtown Bastimentos.

 Lots of time spent in the hammocks.
Our hostel.

 Surprise wave.

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